
bb: Almost since we first started corresponding you’ve come across as having a fierce work ethic. Where do you think the drive comes from?

F: I think my work ethic comes from my mom and dad. Growing up I lived with my mom and grandmother. My mom took care of my grandmother, worked full time, and took care of our family who struggled with substance abuse. My mom never complained about being tired, she woke up every day with a smile on her face and pushed herself to her limits. She was always busy with either work or taking care of the family, so I learned to take care of myself. My dad worked nonstop and always taught me to work hard for what I wanted. I have also seen my family who struggled with substance abuse become homeless time and time again, and I always told myself that I would NEVER end up like them. In my eyes to never end up like them I had to push myself to my limits, work hard for everything, and also NEVER GIVE UP.  (Back)